PIRATES Inspire me!I was not an avid reader growing up. I would start a book and have a hard time getting into it. I wouldn't connect with the characters or the way the book was written. To be honest, I would usually read what was required of me and wouldn't explore much beyond that. Once I became an adult, I started reading self-help books in my spare time more than fiction. I guess I felt like "self-improvement" was a better use of my time. Then I found myself reading books on education and I would fly through them! I would take notes, try new things, and share ideas with other educators as soon I was done. This is when I realized that I have to be INSPIRED when I read in order to stick with it! In May 2015, I purchased the book Teach Like A Pirate. This was the book that ignited a fire in my soul and started my addiction to all things PIRATE! This is just the beginning... Teach Like A Pirate taught me...
Updated Post! Summer 2019 Edition!What Does It Mean to Be a Google Certified Educator?
Even though you don't need a certificate to use Google tools, it's nice to be recognized for your expertise. Becoming a Google certified educator gives you that "proof" that you know your stuff when it comes to GSuite tools in education! Why would I recommend taking the time to do this?
My Top 3 Reasons for Becoming A Google Certified Educator?
There are lots of reasons to become a Google certified educator. I personally am a "life-long learning geek" when it comes to implementing new tech tools with teachers and students. A bonus, is the certificate and badge you get upon completion of each level of certification. I'm not sure why a badge is so exciting, but I love them (especially as a part of my email signature)!
That being said, here are my main reasons for encouraging others to become certified.
⓵ Learn the most up-to-date information about GSuite tools for educators.
⓶ Professional development at your own pace in your own place. ⓷ Find a network of like minded educators to connect with, and learn from across the globe. What Types of Certifications Are Available?
I'm Convinced! Where Do I Start?
This is where Kasey Bell from Shake Up Learning, comes in! She has the most amazing courses created to help educators prepare for each level of certification. I truly believe, she's the reason why I made it as a Certified Trainer the first time I applied. The courses just opened and enrollment is open until June 4,2019 (Do it now...it only opens twice a year)! Watch below for more information, then click on the Wakelet collection below when you are ready to register!
~Pam @specialtechie
Be REAL, Educate from the Heart by: Tara Martin
When Tara Martin's book came out, I had to get it immediately. I have so many other books on my required reading stack, but I had to make time for this one. I'm so glad I did! Anything that has "Educate from the Heart" in the title is right up my alley!
#REALedu #Sketchnotes
Part 1: Relatable
- No matter what your role in education (or life)... Be transparent, Be humble, Be you!
- Use the "Little Yellow Notebook" for coaching.
- Books to read: Multipliers, Humble Inquiry, Mentoring Matters, and Start with Why!
- REAL Talk Treasures!
- REAL + Innovator's Compass
- Write a blog post on My Multipliers. *DONE!
- Favorite Quote: "Each of us has a tremendous and unique gift to offer the world and when we allow anything to stand in our way of sharing our gifts - our real selves - we cheat the universe."
Part 2: Expose a Little Vulnerability
- Know your goals and crush them!
- Remember - Humility is being REAL, sharing obstacles you've overcome, and being grateful.
- Cannonball-in!
- Favorite Quote: "We must share our experiences of overcoming challenges, because doing so helps others gain strength and encouragement."
Part 3: Approachable
- 10 Approachability Principles
- Drive-By's twice a week! Go slow to go fast, but stay consistent.
- Favorite quote: "Approachablity is an invisible trait that people can sense."
Part 4: Learning Through Life
- Blogging! "Professional Time Capsule" with voice and transparency.
- Twitter! #BookSnaps #Gratitudesnaps #REALyousnaps #PottyPD
- Know your Why and ask these questions:
- How will this action help me achieve my why?
- What positive impact will I have on the people I serve?
- Favorite quote: "I view life as a great, big learning opportunity!"
Next Steps...
In the meantime, I'll be "learning though life" this summer with many professional development books by the pool. I'll also be using Twitter to share my #booksnaps as I learn. I hope you'll join me!
Here's my latest guest blog post for Kasey Bell, Shake Up Learning! As an Instructional or Technology Coach, we have a lot to do on a daily basis. It’s not more or less than a classroom teacher, it’s just different. The trouble with a coaching schedule is flexibility. I know… that doesn’t sound like a problem, but it can be. This is where productivity and organization are key! If you don’t plan out your days, weeks, even school year, it can get away from you and then you’re often disappointed with the number of goals you complete. |
*Note: I am fairly new to coaching, so I am not claiming to be an expert by any means!
This post also includes tips from coaches that are a part of the Shake Up Learning Facebook group. Make sure to join us today!
Read the full post on Shake Up Learning and
check out her new Podcast while you are there!
I'm an Innovative Learning Coordinator in Berkeley County South Carolina and a Google Certified Trainer.
I have 25 years of experience teaching K-8 special ed., General Ed., and instructional & technology coaching.
Since I enjoy technology more than some, I started this blog for educators who love it too. Thanks for visiting!
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